Title : owner
Looking for company to tie up with that company or bank globally or government that can provide...Show More
Looking for company to tie up with that company or bank globally or government that can provide 8.33% to 10% return monthly with active work. If you think you can do it with the help of true management and you can provide work and income as interest of deposit rs. 4,00,000 or $ 20,000 life time than please email me details on r1d1@hotmail.com or call me on 8999399939. I am willing share more details with the person or company or organizations or institute this project is done to eradicate poverty from the world so all well wishers are most welcome to participate. Warm regards owner Globalebusinesshub.com Shoppingbycities.com october,10, 2024 Rajesh Dhameliya r1d1@hotmail.com 9974799595Show Less
10 Oct, 2024
Rajesh Dhameliya
True Management