Product assessment, analysis and verification at anytime and sustainability confirmation evaluation sheet
Product, consumption, company, policy, services, people, skill, education, rules, etc assessment or analysis or precautions note: apply it appropriately only.
Assessment starts from here
✔ identify what it is like product, service, skill , process, procedure, person ,company etc… with name, establishing
date, or born and other necessary details which are mention below… add or make NA not applicable as per need
✔Problems and solutions addressing with photo and description
✔raw material availability? If, answer is yes, then for how long? Up to fix time? Life time? Beyond life time or
Ongoing ?
✔ Wrapper or packaging with what details? Sample provided or not?
✔ Quality authentications by which lab
✔Makes over all saving or makes over all lose?
✔if product fits in life necessities, or life supporting or the product is neutral optional or simply unnecessary?
✔product is harm full or helpful?
✔if is there any side effects in making, using or destroying it, which are harm full or helpful at any stage?
✔patent and trademark registration
✔new or first hand or second hand or third hand etc...
✔Is it weather proof or season proof?
✔Is it durable? If yes? How much? If no? Why?
✔Making process breakdowns or stages identified one by one? requirements during process and out come?
✔if refurbished
✔over all saving or over all lose?
✔is there any use after making it as waste or after expiry?
✔ is it improving environment healthiness or degrading it or harming it? For example, pollution, various types of
Disease, hazardous chemicals etc…
✔Price or value comparison
✔Is it addictive or creates addiction or habbit?
✔ is this product is in scarcity or available over or more than enough in market?
✔all expanses and profit margin and final wholesale and retail price
✔Consistency vs non consistency ratio? Reason?
✔Stability vs non stability ratio? Reason?
✔Availability vs non availability ratio? Reason?
✔Success vs failure ratio ratio? Reason?
✔Is it creating sustainable surplus for now or future use? For example good wood, fiber, power, water, food, etc….
✔is it making pollution at any stage during process, usage or after destroying it ?
✔If any permission requires?
✔If any preparation requires for all stages?
✔CRM (client relationship or resources management) access if needed
✔ERP (enterprise resources planning) if needed
✔category: malty purpose or special purpose or one type of use only
✔category class A +, B, C, D, E, etc...
✔technology updated on: date / N A means not applicable or not required
✔over all outcome if sustainable or not sustainable or neutral
✔consistency and quality monitoring and updating for good policy schedules
✔efficiency and accuracy - in percentages?
✔Life span of the product and changing stages during the life spans with ageing solutions if it is possible
✔other alternatives or options if is there any? Better or worst?
✔location covering: village, town. City, sate, country, continent, world etc...
✔If location, people, services, products, health, etc are suitable?
✔necessary documents and evidence or training completion and expertise proven certification or test to know skill level when it’s necessary to know, make, and check the products or skill levels or expertise etc…
✔business basic or advance registration?
✔sales, supply and distribution network
✔Fits in old category or new category to be created
✔Service, activities, recreation etc in assessment
✔Is it pleasing and delighting or moving to sadness and depression and frustration?
✔Is it ready to update and adopts corrections to improve if any
✔Is it easy to maintain and assemble and disassemble
✔Need arise hourly, daily, weekly, occasionally, monthly, yearly, life time, life time or never or don't know?
✔Parts are easily available at right price?
✔ is it available in mini and large size or quantity?
✔present or current scenario will all the material spacifics, full details, potentials and possibilities of out come with this innovation or products? What difference will it make now and in future with this innovation or products?
✔Products or invention has disappeared? Reasons?
✔Products or invention that should or will appear? Reasons?
✔Match the products by all urban and rural locations
✔How will it reach or how make it available to grow or to renew or recycle in all match urban and rural location people through program or arrangements as per requirement, priority, convenience and reserves?